“Vaat Rog: लक्षण, आयुर्वेदिक उपचार और संतुलन के लिए समाधान”

“Managing VAAT Dosha/Rog: Effective Ayurvedic Treatments and Vestige Products for Balance”

VAAT Rog Ayurvedic Medicine, VAAT Illnesses, Signs, and Cure The three main Rogs of the body are VAAT, Pitta, and Kapha, according to Ayurveda. VAAT Rog is the one that controls energy, circulation, and movement in the body and mind.

VAAT in balance can lead to a number of illnesses and issues with the body and mind. We shall go into great detail regarding VAAT Rog in this article, including its types, characteristics, and the potential benefits of combining them. We will also discuss some of Vestige’s key Ayurvedic products, including Detox Foot Patches, Noni, Flax Oil, Ganoderma, Spirulina, and Krill Oil. which are beneficial in the treatment of Ayurveda.

What is VAAT rog in Ayurveda?

The elements of air and sky make up the VAAT Rog. It controls the body’s immune system, respiration, circulation, mental illnesses, and allergies of all kinds. VAAT gives the body vitality, energy, and mental clarity when it is in balance. However, when out of equilibrium, the body feels feeble, dry, and cold.

VAAT Types There are five varieties of VAAT Rogs, which control various bodily functions:

1. Prana VAAT: This energy governs mental, cardiac, and respiratory functions.
2. Udana VAAT: It has to do with memory, speech, and philosophy.
3. Samana VAAT: The digestive system is under its control.                                                                              4. Apana VAAT: It is responsible for the expulsion of stool, urine and fetus.                                                  5. Vyana VAAT: It governs blood circulation in the body and other physical ailments.

The following are the qualities of the VAAT Guna or Rog:

  • Sukhta (dryness)
  • Chittata (coldness)
  • Lightness (lightness)
  • Vulnerability (mobility)
  • Subtlety (fineness)
  • Rukshata (roughness)

People with the VAAT Guna or Prakriti have some characteristics:

  • The body is thin and thin.
  • The skin is dry and the hair is br ittle.
  • Sleepiness and insomnia may be a problem for them.
  • These people get nervous and stressed easily.
  • They cannot ignore coldness and get angry quickly.

The VAAT Rog may become more aggravating for various causes, such as:

Excessive mental and physical effort.
• Arid and unwelcoming climate.
• An imbalanced diet and a positive environment.
• Excessive physical activity and travel.
• Prolonged fasting or starvation.

Signs of heightened VAAT signs of the

Stiffness and soreness in the joints.

• Digestive issues, such as bloating, constipation, and gas.
• Stress, worry, and insomnia.

Dryness in the skin and hair;

Numbness and cold feeling in the hands and feet.                                                                                       Curative measures for VAAT The Rog can be cured by the following methods:

• Consume renowned, greasy, and hot meals.
•Regularly receive an oil massage.
• Regularly engage in yoga and meditation.
• Get adequate rest and sleep.
• Remain in a serene and cool space.

How to reduce vata immediately?

What works to treat VAAT VAAT treatment diet:

• Butter, ghee, and sesame oil.
• Hot, cooked food that is little, short, and thick.
• Other ingredients like black pepper, ginger, and asafoetida.
• Ripe fruits, such as papaya and bananas.
• Hot milk and tea in the kitchen.

What foods should people who are in one with nature avoid eating, and why?

  • • Fruits like melon that naturally have these tastes.
    • Keik and Cole veggies.
  • Foods for rodents, such as gram and rat nuts.
    • Ice-cold liquids and things.

Traditions shifting Tradition modified to maintain a healthy VAAT:

• Develop a schedule and variation.
• A fresh and cozy room outfit.
• Disconnected from the arid and uninformative climate.
• Reduce travel and give your body time to recover.

Treatment and symptoms of VAAT deficiency Signs of an insufficient VAAT:

• Tiredness and low energy.
• Adversity and cognitive impairment.
• Digestion proceeds slowly.
• Having a heavy feeling.

Natural cures for VAAT:

• Keep yourself busy and engage in exercise.
• Consume commercial and fresh food.
• Mantras for mental fortitude from yoga and meditation.
• Consume meals that elevate VAAT.

Niram VAAT and Sama VAAT Rog is divided into two categories by Ayurveda:

  • Sama VAAT: Also known as Niram VAAT , this Rog develops when the digestive tract is experiencing indigestion.
    • Niram VAAT: Niram VAAT is the general term for VAAT  imbalance.

Positive statement:

Word for positive emotion: “Balance” – Having a balanced Vata dosha promotes better health and vigor.

Negative statement:

Word meaning negative emotion: “Increasing” – Raising the Vata dosha can lead to discomfort and a number of health issues.

What is vaat disease called in Hindi & English?

Ayurvedic Vestige Remedies Instant relief VAAT  is cured by Vestige’s Ayurvedic products. The following are some popular Ayurvedic products along with their advantages:

1. Noni (Noni):

Noni is a potent fruit that balances the VAAT, reducing tension and anxiety while restoring the body’s Effective capabilities. Flaxseeds, which lower inflammation and relieve joint discomfort, are an ingredient in nonfat dairy products.

vaat rog

2. Oil from flax (Flax Oil):

Omega-3 GP acids included in flax oil help relieve joint discomfort, inflammation, and dry skin associated with the VAAT. Heart health benefits greatly from it as well.

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3. Ganoderma:

A substance that fortifies the immune system of the body is ganoderma. It eliminates the body’s VAAT effects and lowers stress. It provides both physical and mental vigor.

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4. Spirulina:

A superfood high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals is spirulina. It heals VAAT  and replenishes the body’s nutritional deficit. Spirulina lessens bodily dryness and enhances the digestive system.

  1. Krill Oil:

Packed full of omega-3 fatty acids, krill oil helps alleviate inflammation and joint pain brought on by the VAAT. It also does wonders for heart and brain health and clears the body of dryness.

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  1. Detox Foot Patches:

By drawing toxins out of the body, sleeping with these on the feet helps relieve the weariness and tension brought on by the VAAT. It also gives the body a sense of freshness and relaxation.

vaat rog


Bundelkhand’s Famous Store :

Use Vestige’s Ayurvedic products if your VAAT is causing you troubles. These premium goods, along with a large selection of ayurvedic items that aid in the treatment of many ailments, including those that address VAAT Rog, may be found at Bundelkhand’s Famous Store. Get Vestige ayurvedic products now to maintain the physical and mental well-being of your body.
Get now to maintain a balanced health!

Get rid of VAAT by visiting Bundelkhand’s Famous Store today to get Vestige ayurvedic items.


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